Marco Brunelli
General Secretary FIGC
Marco Brunelli was born in Milan (Italy) in 1963 and graduated in Economics at the University of Bologna, where he started working in 1987 as a senior economist for Nomisma, an economic research institute founded in 1981 by the Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (BNL) together with a group of economists leaded by Prof. Romano Prodi.
The passion for sport brought Marco back to Milan in 1997, to the Lega Calcio, where the former President Franco Carraro asked him to be at the head of the new Study Centre to carry out research activities, also at an international level, on behalf of the network of the European Professional Football Leagues.
Marco Brunelli is also the Director of the International Master in Strategic Management of Sports Organizations, Events and Facilities at San Marino and Parma Universities (regularly ranked over the last four years amongst the 25 world’s best academic sports management courses according to SportBusiness International) and has been involved since the very beginning (as lecturer and/or coordinator for final research projects) at the FIFA International Master in Management, Law and Humanities of Sports.
Over the last ten years, Marco was a member of several UEFA and FIFA Committees.
From 2018 to 2019 Marco was the CEO of the Italian professional football League (Lega Serie A), as well as a Board member of the European Professional Football Leagues association (EPFL) and the World Leagues Forum (WLF).
Today is the General Secretary FIGC.
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