Andrea Ciaramella
Full Professor at Politecnico di Milano
Gianandrea Ciaramella, associate professor of architectural technology at the Department of Architecture, Construction Engineering and Built Environment – ABC of Politecnico di Milano. From 2018 to 2023 he was the coordinator of the Master’s Degree Programme – Management of Built Environment and of the Master’s Degree Programme REM – Real Estate Management, Politecnico di Milano. Since 2003 he has been a member of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors. Co-founder of the Real Estate Center of the ABC Department, he recently promoted the Joint Research Center Proptech of the Politecnico di Milano and co-founder of the Italian Proptech Network. It carries out research in the field of the management of buildings and real estate assets, regarding enhancement strategies; recently it has promoted initiatives oriented to the development of digital technologies in the real estate sector; in recent years has supported public clients (Brera Academy, Invitalia Spa, Arexpo Spa, Ferrovie Nord Milano) and private (Pirelli, Chiesi Farmaceutici) in the real estate management and investment choices. He is the author and/or co-author of several volumes, including Property Management per le imprese, Franco Angeli, 2010; Spazio ufficio. Programmare, progettare e gestire l’ufficio contemporaneo, Maggioli, 2015; Corporate real estate, Franco Angeli, 2016; Urban Regeneration and Real Estate Development – Turning Real Estate Assets into Engines for Sustainable Socio-economic Progress, Springer, 2021
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