The Netherlands on tour: sports facilities

The event is scheduled for November 18-20, 2024

We are glade to share this event organized by SPORT&IMPIANTI (November 18-20, 2024):
Click here to find all information how to partecipate in presence or remotely.
(at this link you can find all information how to participate in presence or remotely).

Below the event description by Sport&Impianti:

The last five years have been marked by significant setbacks to society and thus also to sports activity, and especially to related economic activities.
In the intervening years to date, Next Generation EU-related funding (in Italy managed through the PNRR) has channeled resources and initiatives into specific sectors, altering the current trend of activities and investments.
We are hosting a delegation of Dutch operators and entities on a three-day mission to learn about and explore the trend and development of sports facilities in Italy as the venue for the next Winter Olympic Games.
We will present an overview with data and statistics of the national sports facility market and touch on topics related to design, technologies, types of facilities, trends and owned facilities, with an in-depth look at sports facility management.
It will be a tour through different types of facilities and locations: venues, sports and multi-sport facilities, large facilities, and stadiums.


DAY 1 – 18/11

Milano Cortina 2026 e l’analisi del mercato italiano: un dossier Sport&Impianti

Location: Acinque Ice Arena, Varese


DAY 2 – 19/11

I centri sportivi di successo, trasversalità dell’offerta, servizi e comunicazione. Tra sport, education e rahab

Location: Enjoy Sport Center, Cernusco sul Naviglio


DAY 3 – 20/11

L’Italia e il Calcio: non solo stadi, lo sviluppo di centri di allenamento di proprietà

Location: Mapei Stadium, Reggio Emilia