We’re planning 8th edition 2024-2025!

Advisor Board Meeting | 30.09.2024

The International Master in Sport Design and Management, established and organized by two prestigious institutions for training excellence such as the Politecnico di Milano and the Graduate School of Management (GSoM-POLIMI) of the Milan University, in synergy with the major institutions of Italian sports – C.O.N.I. (Italian National Olympic Committee), F. I.G.C. (Federazione Italiana Giuoco Calcio), I.C.S. (Istituto per il Credito Sportivo) and Lega Serie A -, has grown significantly in recent years both in terms of its positioning in international rankings of post-graduate programs focused on Sport (now ranked 6th in the world) and in terms of network and educational offerings.

The decision to put SPORT at the center of the program and to develop the latter in a transversal form and in multidisciplinary terms has proven to be correct and successful over time.

With this in mind and in order to continue the phase of constant updating of our training program and of the objectives that represent its foundations, we are defining new agreements with various sports federations to increasingly facilitate the entry of our trainees into the world of SPORT, as well as we are investing so that the communication of the format is increasingly effective and widespread.

On that occasion we will launch the new website of the Master’s program, as well as present a recently completed volume that collects numerous thesis papers and projects of our research group: Davide Allegri, Emilio Faroldi, Progettare lo sport. Teorie Ricerche Architetture, LetteraVentidue Edizioni, Syracuse 2024.

In line with this, we thought it might be useful to schedule a meeting with stakeholders, devotees of the discipline and members of the Master’s Scientific Committee in order to exchange and update ideas, evolutionary proposals and contacts with a view to proactive involvement and cultural interchange.

Emilio Faroldi (Vice Rector of the Politecnico di Milano and Director Master MSDM) during the Advisor Board Meeting.